At this point you must be thinking that the stealth is good and guess what: it isn´t: it is super frusterating and unplayable. Because of this, most of game missions (that are well created) are mostly about stealth only. But it still as some bugs that will never get fixed and the combat is dificult and frusterating. But it still as In 2016 ac (assassins creed) unity doesn´t have many bugs to count the patches work and the game is not that bad at all. In 2016 ac (assassins creed) unity doesn´t have many bugs to count the patches work and the game is not that bad at all. From the storming of the Bastille to the killing of King Louis XVI, experience the French Revolution unlike any medium that has come before, and assist the people of France carve out for themselves an entirely new destiny. His pursuit thrusts him into the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation, and transform him into a true Master Assassin. As the nation rips itself apart, a younger man named Arno embarks on a harrowing journey to expose the authentic powers behind the Revolution. Its cobblestone streets flow red with the blood of commoners who dared to rise up against the murderous aristocracy. The French Revolution turns a once-magnificent city into a land of terror and chaos. As the nation rips itself apart, a younger man named Arno embarks on a Paris, 1789.