Similar to "Dream World Simulator" there's a PGL Promotions button, that allows to inject the PGL distributed pokémon as they were distributed. Each pokémon allows to select the move slot A, B or C*** and gender when aplicable (remember that in gen 5 only females can produce hidden ability eggs). The pokémon are restricted to what the dream world offered and only that. The most interesting feature is the "Dream World Simulator", which are some handy buttons with the Dream World areas that allow injecting to the forest a pokémon from Dream World. The package includes a legitimate efdd file from Black 1 containing several Dream World Pokémon and the PGL Arceus and also a legitimate efdd file from White 2 with a couple event pokemon and 9 dream world Pokémon. Two kind of files can be used: phl files, which are AREA files and are compatible with pockestock and pikaedit and efdd files, which is basically the decrypted forest block, so it contains all areas and forest settings. **4 visitor files are included in the file Can import Name, TID, SID and hall of fame from BW1 savegame. Memory Link editor: can edit trainer name, TID and SID.